A Master Pick Up Artist is someone who has an highly advanced and developed skill level when it comes to bedding women. A MPUA is different from a regular PUA in that his results demonstrate a...
Category - Acronyms
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
NLP is an approach to personal development and communication. It was created in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California. The idea is that there is connection between the human...
Long Term Relationship
A long term relationship “LTR” is typically when a man and woman pledge exclusivity to one another. They key here is that the two people involved have good chemistry and a strong...
Low Self-Esteem
Low Self-Esteem is the exact opposite of high self-esteem, and is where the man will have negative thoughts and feelings about himself. He will generally be uncomfortable and discontent in his own...
High Self-Esteem
Having high self-esteem refers to someone who has a good or positive view about themselves. Having high self-esteem usually goes hand in hand with having high levels of self confidence. In the pick...
Sex Drive
High Sex Drive (Libido) refers to a man’s physiological and psychological urge or desire to indulge in sexual activity with a woman. A man’s sex drive can either be naturally high, as in...
Hot Babe
HB stands for Hot Babe (or sometimes Hunny Bunny) and refers to an attractive women. Usually, the Hot Babe in question has a number assigned to them which corresponds with their perceived...
Fuck Ten Other Women
‘Fuck ten other women’ is a term used to describe a particular method that can be used to help a man get over a breakup or a case of ‘oneitis’. The idea is that, in order to...
Fuck Buddy
A Fuck Buddy (FB) is a girl that a man enjoys frequent but casual sex with no real desire for making the relationship monogamous or exclusive. The benefit here is that the man and women get to...
Eye Contact
Eye Contact is a form of non-verbal communication whereby two people hold their gaze with the other person’s eyes. Eye contact is one of the most important and powerful forms of communication...
Cocky & Funny
Cocky & Funny is a particular attitude that a man can adopt that can be very effective at creating attraction when used properly towards a woman. The Cocky/Funny attitude can be especially...
Average Frustrated Chump
An Average Frustrated Chump is a guy who simply has no clue as to how to attract a female. He has very few option in his dating life and his experiences with women are few and far between. At best...
Kiss Close
A Kiss Close or KC is when a man successfully kisses a girl he is attempting to seduce. Kiss closing is a fun way of amping state and pushing comfort zones and is most commonly done in a night club...
Ejecting / Premature Ejectulation
Premature Ejectulation, or ‘Pre-Me’ is the term given to a guy who exits (or, ‘ejects’) from an interaction with a girl much too soon. This problem is common among guys who...
Travel Pick-Up
Travel Pick-Up, or ‘TPU’ is the art of picking up girls whilst travelling abroad. For many guys, picking up women while travelling away from home is much easier than doing so in their...
Reticular Activation System
The Reticular Activation System (RAS) is a set of connected nuclei in the human brain that is responsible for regulating arousal and sleep-wake transitions. In other words, it is the part of the...
Approach Invitation
An Approach Invitation or ‘AI’ is any signal (conscious or unconscious) that a girl will send to a guy that suggests she wants to meet and interact with him in some way. It is important...
Routines – Canned Material
A Routine is a rehearsed, scripted or memorised set of games, stories or tricks that a man can use to try and attract a girl. There are many reasons as to why a guy might use a routine to try and...
Let’s Just Be Friend
“Let’s Just Be Friends” is something that a girl will say to a guy with whom she has no interest in pursuing a sexual relationship. This is also known as being put into the ‘Friend...
Direct Game
Direct Game refers to any situation where a man attempts to attract a female by displaying his intentions from the very beginning of the interaction. Displaying intent can be done in two main ways: 1...
Same Night Lay
A ‘same night lay’ is similar to that of a Same Day Lay except it is exclusive to meetings girls during the night time, such as in bars, clubs or even in the streets. A Same Night Lay...
Same Day Lay
A ‘same day lay’ is when a man sleeps with a girl that he has met earlier on the very same day. Most often this happens after a man has met a girl during the daytime, spoken to her for a...
Hook Point
The ‘Hook Point’ (HP), or as is often described – ‘hooking’, is the point during an interact between a man and a woman at which the female is interested and committed to...
3 Second Rule
The 3-second rule is a guideline that many guys into Game use when they see an attractive girl. It simply means that upon seeing that girl, they have 3 seconds with which to open and interact with...
Newbie Mission
A Newbie Mission is a series of small challenges that are specifically designed for people who are new and inexperienced with ‘pick-up’. Newbie Missions start off fairly simple and...
Compliance Test
A Compliance Test is something done by a man to gauge the interest levels of a girl. A girl who is interested in a guy will ‘comply’ with his actions and suggestions. A typical example of...
Instant Date
An ‘instant date’ is the act of taking a girl you have just met to a different location in order to carry on the interaction. Most commonly, Instant Dates (or, iD’s) take place...
Kino Escalation
Kino, (Kino Escalation) simply refers to physical touch between a man and a woman, and is a derivative of the word ‘kinesthesia’. In order to successfully complete a seduction (ie, sex)...
Approach Anxiety
AA is the term used to describe the feelings of nervousness or fear a man starts to experience when he sees a girl he is attracted to. This ‘fear’ usually manifests itself in a number of...
Anti-Slut Defense
An ASD is a method used by a girl to abstain herself from responsibility during a situation where there is a likelihood of sex/intimacy. This is similar to LMR (Last Minute Resistance) but usually...
A ‘flake’ is the term given to a girl who does not get back in touch with you after either the initial meeting or an exchange of messages. Most often this will happen over text – you get...
Indicator of Disinterest
An IOD is a signal displayed by a girl which suggests she is not interested in you. These signs are often pretty obvious, such as being ignored, or a girl not stopping to talk to you. More subtle...
Indicator of Interest
Indicators of Interest – or ‘IOI’s’ – are the signals a girl will give off or express that hint towards her liking you. These IOI’s can be displayed in both verbal and non...
Last Minute Resistance
All guys will experience LMR at some point – often with many different girls. Last Minute Resistance is where a girl will prevent a man from escalating beyond a certain point in the bedroom. Often...
AMOG Destroyers
You came here to read the best AMOG Destroyer Tactics and Techniques for amoging every other Alpha Male and show the chicks who’s the real man in the house. BUT I will not teach you any of...
Alpha Male Other Guy
The definition of AMOG is: Alpha Male Other Guy This means another alpha guy who is a real competition to you. It doesn’t matter if he is already part of the group or trying to seduce the same...
Wing / Wingman / Wingwoman
A Wingman is a friend of you, in best case an experienced PUA that helps you by gaming in a group of woman. His main function is entertaining the friends, so that they don’t cockblock your...
If you talk about a target in the pickup-community, you mean a specific woman that you want to seduce. It’s a kind of secret language that you can use to quickly communicate with your Wing. If...
Sensitive New Age Guy
A S.N.A.G. is a man who has feminine characteristics such as being very timid and sensitive. He lost the core qualities of Masculine Man because he was raised by emancipated females and a society...
The technique of bodyrocking is the non-verbal version of a false time constraint. You use your body-language to display that you are on the way and won’t stay more than a few minutes. This...
False Time Constraint
When you enter a Set, you will break into their accustomed environment and maybe interrupt their conversation. You are also strange to them, so they don’t know that your a cool guy who will...
Number Close
The woman (target) gives you her phone number to stay in contact with you. There are different reasons why she gives out her phone number. The best one is to plan a date with you, the worst ones are...