It is one of those things you experience but you never seem to find the right word for it. It’s derived from the word propinquity which means mental or physical proximity among people...
Category - Attraction
Social Proof
Social proof is a reference to the value (or perceived value) of a person in a certain environment, based on the interactions with other people in the environment. For example, a guy in a club who...
Eye Contact
Eye Contact is a form of non-verbal communication whereby two people hold their gaze with the other person’s eyes. Eye contact is one of the most important and powerful forms of communication...
Cocky & Funny
Cocky & Funny is a particular attitude that a man can adopt that can be very effective at creating attraction when used properly towards a woman. The Cocky/Funny attitude can be especially...
Neediness is a set of behaviours that a man will sometimes display towards a woman when he is overly invested in an interaction or when he ‘wants’ (or feels he needs) it to...
Demonstrate Higher Value
A DHV is a story or action conducted by a man to make himself appear or come across as a person of high status, thus making himself immediately more desirable to a female. There are many different...
Hook Point
The ‘Hook Point’ (HP), or as is often described – ‘hooking’, is the point during an interact between a man and a woman at which the female is interested and committed to...
Indicator of Interest
Indicators of Interest – or ‘IOI’s’ – are the signals a girl will give off or express that hint towards her liking you. These IOI’s can be displayed in both verbal and non...
Buying Temperature
The Buying Temperature is an indicator describes how horny a girl is at a special moment. If her buying temperature is low or cold, it’s nearly impossible to kiss her, but a good Seducer knows...