Walking in the store I waited for her to say it……
Her: “Hello”
Seraf: Wow…..seriously? That was ALMOST the best greeting I’ve had all day!
Her: *Suddenly bursts out in a laughter of flattery.*
Seraf: That was such an amazing greeting I’m almost inclined to do it again….
Her: Gives another flattering laugh, this time more genuine.
Seraf: …..You know what? I will do it again.
Her: Laughs even more.
I go outside and stop in the middle of the walk way and look around as if I’m biding my time. I deliberate stay in view of her so she could see me. I could hear her laughing even more. Most importantly, I can tell her day was being made. This was the most interesting thing happening to her all day.
I walk back in. I repeated my first entrance into the store.Confident… dominant alpha body language…. Looking at everything in the store. Owning the place before taking 8 steps in…… I waited for her to say it……
Her: “Hello”
Seraf: Wow! What an amazing greeting!
Her: Laughs even more.
Greeting Opener by Vince Kelvin and Seraf.