2 Part Kiss Opener

PUA: Hey guys, we’re having a debate and need a quick opinion on something. If a guy is dating a girl, and she goes out to a bar with her friends one night and makes out with a guy just for fun, is it cheating?

GROUP: Yeah, it’s cheating.

PUA: Okay, that makes sense. So here’s the real question. And I’ll tell you why I’m asking in a second: If she goes out and gets drunk and makes out with a GIRL for fun, is it cheating?

GROUP: (the responses will vary, but if any guys say “no,” you can bust on them for having a double-standard etc.)

PUA: Okay. Interesting. The reason I’m asking is because my friend over there has been dating this girl. And she likes to go out and get drunk and make out with girls. Now, some guys might be into that, but it pisses him off and he thinks it’s cheating. She says it isn’t. So we were trying to figure out who was right.

GROUP: (discussion ensues, which you will have to soon cut off and move into your next piece of material because they will go on and on about this and stale the topic and conversation) Enjoy. It’s a nice change of pace for those who love Jealous Girlfriend but are tired of it.Report back on your results.

– from Neil Strauss (Style)

Category: Opinion Openers

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