Jonathan Lee, or Sinn, born February 1st, 1981, being one of the first students of Mystery’s and instructor for Mystery Method, in 2008 starts his own company named Sinns of Attraction. The company...
Category - Oldies
Mystery (Erik von Markovik)
Erik James Horovat-Markovic, alias Mystery, born September 24th 1971, is one of the most influential people in the sub-culture of the pickup artists or the “seduction community”. He is one of the...
David Shade
Being one of the pioneer dating coaches to offer sexual skills advice, David Shade (born 1970), is vastly called the “America’s Renegade Sex Expert” who was courageous enough to leave the boundaries...
Speer PUA
Speer is the name he is known by in his circuit. But very few know or realize that his real name is actually Sal Peer. Speer PUA is today recognized worldwide as a highly successful Dating coach...
Tenmagnet (Chris Shepherd)
[fimage] Tenmagnet is one of the LoveSystems’ lead instructors and was one of the members of the “Secret Underground Society of Pickup Artists” described in “The Game” by Neil Strauss. Ten magnet’s...