Stop daydreaming about a romantic date and ask her out finally! Or maybe you want to surprise your girlfriend, make her feel special and show that you care about your relationship. Check out these disaster-proof romantic date tips that will help you catapult right through the love zone!
1. Stand out by being traditional – Before the date happens, your need to invite her. Don’t just send an email or instant message when you ask her out. Make it more personalized and a little bit old school. You can buy or customize a card and write the invitation details. Pro-tip: You can have it delivered to her home/office or better yet hand it over yourself. In this modern age, everything seemed to be overly digitalized already. Surprise her with a traditional invite which you can pair with a simple bouquet or even one stem rose.
2. Is she vegan? – This is super important. Know her eating or nutritional preferences. Is she vegan? A vegetarian? Or is she okay with meat? You wouldn’t want to book a restaurant where she could only drink water. This applies pretty well when you decide to have the date at your place too. The last thing you want is to prepare a feast without consulting her. Ask your girl if she’s allergic to any food or ingredient as well.
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3. Pick a motif – Don’t box the idea of a romantic date with super formal attires. It can be a sweet beach bonfire date wearing just your summer OOTDs and flip flops. Be sure to very clear with this because you don’t want to be over nor under-dressed for the special occasion.
4. Communicate – I know that it’s so tempting to take a snap of the buttered shrimp and lobster from the seafood platter but remember the primary goal is to get to know each other more and to connect. Ditch the smartphone and talk, please.
5. Mentally prepare topics that will interest you both – This is in direct relation to tip number 4. You just don’t simply talk, as the previous number suggests, you communicate. You’ve got to keep it interesting and don’t fall into the “all about me” abyss. Ask how her day or week has been, how the big presentation went, what she thinks about the movie premieres, etc. Make her opinion heard — girls dig that. Never settle to Yes or No questions!
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6. Be on time – Punctuality is a must! Never ever be late and even offer to pick her up. There are thousands of apps to check the traffic situation in your area so now is the perfect time to download one.
7. Do a rain check – Take this tip literally. I know the weather is very unpredictable but check the week’s forecast at least. If there’s an 80% chance of a thunderstorm this weekend, then you better do the picnic some other time.
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8. Prep a simple token – It’s always nice if you bring gifts to your date – makes it more romantic. But it doesn’t mean you have to crush your piggy bank. Bring her a one-stemmed rose or tulip (or any other flower she likes), a box of not-so-expensive chocolates, a Thank-You-for-accepting-the-invitation card, etc. You may give it to her before you formally start your date or before you drop her home. Simple things can mean so much depending on how much thought and effort you exerted.
9. Tidy up – Sure, you got the perfect romantic night OOTD but make sure looking (and smelling) good and clean is also part of your agenda. The last thing you want is to turn her off with a hang nail. Do not over-do this process – an overwhelming perfume fragrance can be a party pooper too.
10. Eyes and gaze up – Full attention should be a priority. Don’t get distracted and be 100% focused. One of the things our ladies love is attention. Keep the eye-to-eye contact to make it more intimate.
11. Compliment where it is due – Begin with the shoes or her warm smile. Girls dig guys who acknowledge their effort and beauty. Be sincere. Don’t try so hard just for the sake of complimenting her. It will make you sound absurd and make her feel uncomfortable.
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12. Go easy on the wine or beer – Great! You two lovebirds are finally feeling relaxed and loosened up. But please, don’t get drunk. If you’re serious about this girl, then you’ll stay sober. Why? Because it will reflect how much you respect her and that you would want to remember everything about the special night.
13. Be the perfect gentleman – You know the drill. Here are a few refreshers 1. Offer to pick her up. 2. Arrive at the venue before she does. 3. Help her to be seated when you’re in a restaurant, 4. Mind your table manners. Chew with your mouth closed, please. 5.Do not be rude to servers or bartenders. 6. Help her with her coat when leaving. I know you got this! Make your momma proud.
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14. Relax! – I know there are a lot of stuff to do and remember but don’t forget to breathe and relax. A romantic date should not feel staged. Make sure that you and your date enjoy every moment. Bear in mind that there’s no such thing as a perfect date, so expect little bumps or hassles along the way (drizzles on summer, missing reservations, unexpected traffic jams, etc.) but don’t let it ruin the mood. Be positive and make the best out of the night still.
15. The backup plan – Since drizzles, reservations and traffic jams were mentioned. It’s always useful to have a backup plan. Having a Plan B ensures that no time will be wasted on fretting. Keep your stash of emergency beers chilled – “almost tragic date nights” can always be salvaged by being a “prepper” along with ice cold beverages. Cheers!
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