[fimage]Owen Cook’s interest in the seduction community began with his difficulty in adjusting to his split with a long-term girlfriend during his college days. This frustration led to severe depression, which in turn forced him to leave school. Upon his entry into the seduction community in 2002, Owen adopted the alias Tyler Durden as a tribute to Fight Club (both the novel and the film), which he credits as his inspiration and influence for overcoming social norms and constraints.
During his early years as a pick-up artist, Cook became known for producing a high volume of useful and analytically posts. He was diligent; analyzing much of the available online information and relentlessly field testing a variety of dating skills. In 2003, Owen Cook went to the United States to improve knowledge of the dating industry and to learn from better pick-up artists. Some of his efforts to meet with and learn from senior pick-up artists were less than successful. Cook was denied a chance to meet Mystery (Erik von Markovik) in Los Angeles and his meeting with Toecutter in Montreal was notably frosty, with Toecutter later claiming that he found Cook to be arrogant.
He traveled extensively with his friend and fellow pick-up artist Papa (Nick Kho), and in 2003, the two joined Mystery and Style (Neil Strauss) at “Project Hollywood” in Los Angeles. It was during this time that he and Papa created Real Social Dynamics (RSD), which today has become one of the largest and most popular dating companies. RSD advises men both on socializing with women, and general lifestyle development. Cook used to give dating advice based on routines he had learned from other seniors in the pick-up community, teaching from the hundreds of routines that he had memorized. Soon however these routines became too popular, resulting in women frequently claiming to have heard them before. This prompted Owen Cook to create one of his most famous products, “Foundations” in 2006. This was a unique, non-routine based dating approach focusing on personal growth as a means of creating attraction. Today, his work personally and through Real Social Dynamics expands on the approach of personal development and inner game success.