Darren Fuji, alias DJ Fuji, born August 22nd 1982, is an Asian pickup artist and a dating coach, or a “social arts instructor” as he would call himself. Even though he started out as an instructor at Mehow Inc., today he works at his own company named the “Tao of DJ Fuji”. He is best known for his dating advices for virgins and people who experience difficulties in the seduction field. Not fully believing that merely developing theories may help his clients, he optimizes his training for each individual he works with, providing fundamental values for achieving results in real situations, regarding the individual’s personal and dating life. His field of expertise includes helping even hard cases like 30 year old virgins to overcome their difficulties and start dating in a very short period of time.
Over many years of work, DJ Darren Fuji helped even thousands of hopeless cases to start experiencing the intimate side of life, develop relationships, and some of them even got married. He works with both men and women in large groups. His methods start with eliminating all of the negative energy and concentrating on building one’s self-confidence. Afterwards, the process includes intensive work on the social skills and body language development, spicing it up with appropriate sense of humor. When the individual reaches these start points, he may continue towards making friends and approaching potential lovers. Even after the inner make-over is reached (at least in part), the individual may set his goals and try to achieve them, not worrying that he or she would fail, meeting the kind of people he wants to meet. Once the cycle is over and the individual finds himself in a relationship, DJ Fuji may help them maintain their sexuality and manage their relationship with great quality. He operates through conducting different seminars, conferences, workshops or infield training, individually or in group.
Some of his achievements and products include: “Infield Insider Vault – Episode 1”, “Core Fundamentals Workshop and Bootcamp”, “The 21 Convention 2009”, “Long Term Coaching Programs”, “The Community Tapes Vol. 1”, “a la Carte Infield Training”, “The Global Pickup Conference 2010”, “The Guru Black Book”, “The Dating Conference 2010 Online Seduction Training”, “The Dating Conference 2011”, and many more authored and co-authored products.
DJ Darren Fuji made an appearance on the Dr. Phil show, as a winner of the “Best New Speaker” award at the Global PUA Summit held in Hollywood. He was also featured in the “New York Times”. He also took part at The 21 Convention in Orlando, as honored speaker. Today, according to his confessions, sometimes he is still facing difficulties for being an Asian pickup artist, but he is successfully overcoming every obstacle.